
Margaret Gradwell has held many solo exhibitions during which guests could admire and purchase her work. Her first solo exhibition was held in 1983 in Pretoria and since then she has held eleven more in various centers across South Africa with the most recent in 2003. She accepts invitations to participate in at least four group exhibitions at prominent galleries every year.


 1983 Department of Visual Arts, University of Pretoria
 1984 Aleta Michaletos Gallery, Pretoria
 1993 Guilde Gallery, Pretoria
 1994 Cafe de Palette, Pretoria Art Museum
 1995 Dorp Street Gallery, Stellenbosch
 1996 Guilde Gallery, Pretoria
 1996 Tina Skukan Gallery, Pretoria
 1997 Prestige Exhibition, Pretoria Art Museum
 2000 Chelsea Gallery, Cape Town
 2001 Chelsea Gallery, Cape Town
 2003 Guilde Gallery, Pretoria
 2003 Old Arts Gallery, Pretoria


    Participates in at least four national or international group exhibitions per year